Olivia passed out at the fountain !!! 7/7/2012
Gorgeous Buddhist temple in a storefront setting, right in the middle of a street with stores on either side of it. It smelled wonderful. There was incense burning and fresh flowers. 7/7/2012
Just a typical crosswalk. However, there is absolutely NO jaywalking that we have seen. Even if no cars are coming, everyone stands and waits for the light to change. And then when it changes, watch out or you get run over by everyone crossing. Notice the umbrellas? They are for shade, not rain. 7/7/2012
Heaven in a glass case......... 7/7/2012
Perfect pastries. 7/7/2012
There is nothing like the breads and pastries here. They are better than anything you can imagine. And the pastries are everywhere !!! A shop on every street, they're in every convenience store, just everywhere. 7/7/2012
Sheryl 7/7/2012
David 7/7/2012
There were these blue and orange butterflies everywhere. I couldn't get the camera on fast enough to take the shot, but the butterfly was actually on Olivia's hand. She thought that was the greatest !!! 7/7/2012
Taipei 101. 7/7/2012
We hope you are liking the pictures.
Ziajian !!!
oh my those pastries look amazing!!! Just looking at the double stroller you have, is it easy to get around Taiwan with a stroller? we took one to Thailand with us but it was crazy hard as the pavements were all beaten up and lots of steps up to trains and things, but we were trying to decide if we should look at a double stroller too for when our time comes again