Saturday, July 7, 2012


Hi everyone !!! I've heard from several of you that you are posting comments on the blog, but they aren't showing up. I have no idea why !!!! But with Dotti's help back home, we figured out a way to work around it. This blog is driving me nuts because it is so NOT compatible with anything I'm trying to do.

However, when you make a comment, it says "comment as:" "select profile" in a drop down menu below your comment. Unless you for sure have a google or blogger profile, select Anonymous. Dotti and I both just tried it, each of us on the other side of the world, and it worked. But when you select Anonymous, you need to sign your name in the body of your comment, that way we know who you are !!

As a back up though, any comments you email me at: David or I can copy them over to the blog. For some reason it is the profile issue, and selecting anonymous seems to fix it.



  1. Seems to be working now, as long as I select "anonymous" under the pull down menu that says : comment as -select profile-.


  2. Hi Sheryl:

    All is well here. Things are running smooth. How is Olivia doing today? Is she feeling better now that you more or less have settled down?
    I know you cannot wait to get Kendall. Please keep posting so we can all keep up to date with you and enjoy your happiness.
    Take care.

  3. Glad you had a good long nap. Maybe you can function better today. Happy Anniversary David and Sheryl.
    Love, Mom and Dad

  4. hope your new little girls transition goes really really well, looking forward to following your journey, we are new on our path to adopt from ChungYi, but have one child already from Thailand and can well remember the amazing crazy feelings in the follow up to that first meeting, Gem

  5. Hi, I live in Taipei if you want to meet up. My daughter is also 5, she doesn't have developmental delays but maybe we could just chat if you wanted to. Let me know.


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