Can massage be a religious experience? Yes, David and I think so !!! But only if it is an authentic Chinese or Taiwanese massage. Those were the longest and shortest two hours of my life. LOL !!!! I don't know if she was trying to exorcise my demons, or get my chi and chakras aligned. But I do know that my mind went crazy, went blank, and I'm pretty sure I hallucinated. LOL !!!!!!
This type of massage is not for the faint of heart, but then neither is international adoption. Back in 2008, David and I had 2 blind massage therapists come to our hotel in Taiwan and give us the some crazy massage. We thought that was the real deal until today. There is just no way to explain what went on other than to say, what happens in Taipei, stays in Taipei? LOL?!?!?! No seriously, she massaged my gut, lower stomach, so hard that I think my intestines were rearranged. At one point, she was standing on the table behind me and my head was anchored between her hand and her inner thigh and she was pressing my head and pulling my back so hard at the same time, I thought I might pass out. LOL !!!! No amount of NO!!!! OUCH!!!!! or moaning or groaning got her to lighten up. I suppose I could have shouted no in Chinese, but I never thought of it at the time. I think she knew I was tense. I passed out last night at 8:45 pm, which just never happens for me, but I woke up this morning feeling no kinks or pain in my neck or back. Awesome!!!!!
Very glad you had a nice day. And very very glad you are coming home tomorrow. Can't wait to meet Kendall. Have a safe journey! Love you. Mom and Dad